My experience with COVID-19

3 min readNov 2, 2020

It all started with my father getting a fever of 101 F on Wednesday 21' October 2020. The only symptoms he showed were body pain and fever. I immediately realized that something was not ok as he rarely gets a fever. The most challenging part was to convince him to get tested, don’t know why but the stigma attached to Covid is immense, and people are in complete denial of the disease, all thanks to the misinformation all around.

After a day to of convincing him, he got tested and the result came out positive on 23' October. Thankfully my mother, sister or I didn’t show any symptoms for the first two days, but then finally the virus got us despite strictly isolating my dad. The CT (Cycle Threshold) value, which measures the viral load was 21, and I was home quarantined under online-supervision of doctors.

Here is a complete detail of the symptoms I experienced which I hope might help someone.
1. Day 1: The first symptom was severe irritation is throat as if someone was scratching from inside. It was very different from a sore throat or strep throat, which I can identify very clearly. There was a feeling of persistent cough and itching.

2. Day 2: Dry cough. And throat irritation.

3. Day 3: Low-grade fever

4. Day 4: Fever reached 101 F.

5. Day 5: 100 fever and dizziness. Another effect of the disease was that my WBC values reached very low. It was causing extreme fatigue. I was feeling mental-fog and extreme confusion.

6. Day 6: Low-grade fever and frequent bouts of sweating. I lost complete smell and taste.

7. Day 7: Finally fever came down and then began diarrhoea.

8. Day 8,9,10: Struggling with weakness and body pain. In the morning I have extreme dizziness and headache before sleeping.

With the help of doctors who started the right treatment on time, it was possible to start the treatment at home immediately. I learnt that it was more psychological than physiological at moments. Every night before sleeping a kind of panic ran through me, just hoping that my parents are healthy tomorrow morning. I request everyone to not be in denial of the disease. Saying things like “it’s just a fever it will pass”, “it’s probably due to change in season” or “stress/fatigue related fever” won’t help. Please get yourself tested and break the cycle of transmission. There is no harm in getting tested and starting the correct treatment on time.

MY TREATMENT (other than medications)
1. Steam inhalation 3–4 times a day for 10–15 minutes.
2. Gargles either betadine or saltwater as many times as possible.
3. Breathing exercises: Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 and exhale from the mouth for 4 seconds.
4. Most importantly sleep.

I was put on a course of azithromycin, Ivermectin and paracetamol. Apart from this, I continued with my daily dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc. I also measured my oxygen saturation levels eight times a day, and it was between 96–99%. My CRP was monitored and was <0.5 throughout the infected period, and thus I was not given steroids.

1. Avoid all social interactions as far as possible
2. Get yourself tested immediately the moment you feel a slight discomfort in your body.
3. Only surgical masks and N-95 will protect you avoid using cotton fabric masks.
4. The earlier you start the treatment, the better.

To conclude, do not be in denial of the disease and wait for severe symptoms before getting tested. Early intervention by doctors will help you and your loved ones recover quickly. Not only the people suffering from respiratory diseases, even the presumably fit people are at high risk of this disease. It’s high time we think beyond our selfish interests and come together and take precautions to protect the people who are not as privileged (physically and financially) as us and who might develop serious symptoms and lifelong complications.




Aspiring scientist, PhD Scholar, Experimental Physicist.